An Art Path


I am excited to say that I have been accepted into Laney College and have started taking classes. Unfortunatly I could not get into a ceramics class this summer, but luckily I did get a class in the fall! I can’t wait to work with clay again. I will now have a chance to start posting pictures here again of the new work that comes out. I am super excited to try out some new ideas I have, inspiration from my new home California.

Food Photography

I have been doing a lot of food photography lately. I thought I would post a couple pictures, since it has been a long time since I posted anything. Jane Rigler 011food 016Feb 10th 2009 072PHOTOS 128

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, I have gone through a move and the loss of my car and trying to find a job… So I have been pretty busy. Also I have been working on a new piece that I will put up soon when I have finished it. I am hoping within the next couple of days. 🙂 Thanks for your patience.


art-work This piece is one of my most favorite pieces I have made. It is a ink and pen piece, and I made it for my 2-D class. We had to create a piece that was about ourselves. I wanted to do something that had a big statement about being vegan, because being vegan is very personal for me. The idea grew and grew, and I didn’t know what the image would be until 3 days before the project was due.

The reason for that is my ideas for the piece kept expanding and growing, father than just being vegan, but also for my love for our planet, and where the planet is going. This idea just struck me out of no where. I was talking with a classmate about my piece, and suddenly BAM there it was. Right there in my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I could not stop working after that. This planet is our earth but the land masses are not exact, because we are always changing, and nothing is ever the same for to long. The hands are not god they are our hands saving our planet from being destroyed forever.

This piece’s story: The earth is falling apart, it is dangling on a small rope that can’t hold it for much longer, because there is so much chaos and pain going on in our world.  When the rope snaps we are there to catch the earth, and then when the earth falls  into our hands, it starts to grow and thrive again, becoming one with us.

I believe that if everyone was vegan we could save the world, so many horrible things could be reversed. Our world is crying out for help and a lot of us are ignoring it. I hope someday we can change before it is to late.

Materials: Ink pen, Small synthetic paintbrush, Black ink, Water, and Watercolor paper

art-work-001 This piece was inspired by a trip I took in Arizona, there is a Native American tribe called the Zuni Tribe, then carve little animals out of stone, they are called Zuni Fetishes and they all have very important meanings. I was deeply inspired by these, and I was drawn to the bear inparticular. I bought a little bear, which I still own to this day. Anyway I was so intrigued that I decided I wanted to create a piece that was inspired by the Zuni tribe.

This piece is Raku fired, which is one of my favorite firing processes. I really enjoyed this project and love that it has such a special story to go with it.

Materials: Stoneware Clay, Gas Kiln, Glaze, Raku Kiln, Trashcan, Newspaper

art-work-058 This painting was created this fall in a color theory class I took, the object of the project was to take a painting from a magazine, and create a larger painting. We also had to blend the magazine picture in, so that when you look at the piece you can not tell where the magazine picture is. I found this project to be difficult, and a little stressful, but for the most part I really enjoyed the process.  I did not completely make the magazine picture blend in, but I do think that the colors match pretty well. I look forward to painting more in the future.

Materials: Acrylic paint, synthetic paint brushes, and Bristol board


Gizmo Gizmo is a final project I did for a 3-D class this summer.  The project was all about motion and to create a project that moved. I had so many different ideas for this project and one idea changed 3 or 4 times into completely different ideas. All I knew was that I wanted the piece to be white, and that I wanted to use plastic forks that spun around. I ran into so many problems with the motion part of this project that I finally just gave up on making the piece literally move, and decided to go for a visual movement effect. I decided that I would get some neat texture if I used plastic spoons and knives as well. Over all I really enjoyed this project and quite content with how it turned out. If I did it again I would use different glue than I used, and be more patient with the process. Curious to see what interlocking parts would do for this piece.

Materials: wooden dowels 2 different sizes, plastic silverware, white tissue paper, and an old book shelf

An Art Path

Recently I have been thinking a lot, and the more I think, the more my conclusions come to art… just make art and everything will work out. I have been creating art my entire school career, and I am now trying to obtain a degree in art, because I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life… well except hopefully open a vegan bakery someday… but that is a different story.

I work with any mediums I can get my hands on,  mostly I work with ceramics and getting even more literal with that, I  make functional pieces on the wheel. Such as plates, bowls, cups, and bottles. I also have recently discovered a passion for sculpture, which has been very interesting and fun to experiment with. I sketch a lot with markers, and found a hidden love for pen and ink. I would like to do more collage work in large scale, and painting is still a skill I am trying to master.

Some of the mediums I have not gotten a chance to work with yet is bronze casting, and glass blowing. I look forward to learning these in the future.  I believe that art is something that you should try a bit of everything, I do not want to restrict myself to one medium, I want to try it all.

On this blog I will be showing my art, talking about it, why I do what I do, and many other things as well. I would like to choose a day in the week where I spot light all different types of artists and talk about them and their work, and why they do what they do, stuff like that. I am looking forward to starting this procedure, and seeing how it grows.

Alright 🙂 lets get started!